I’m like the woman who can’t get pregnant.
She made the mistake of opening her big mouth and telling everybody that this was her year—the year she’d have a baby.
But months and months later, she still hasn’t conceived.
She’s won’t go on Facebook lest she spot a friend’s ultrasound photo or a birth announcement. There are baby carriages everywhere she turns.
Yup—we’re two peas in a pod—that baby babbler and me.
The only difference is I’m attempting to birth a book.
If you’d suggested to me last year that I wouldn’t have a book contract for my novel, What The Valley Knows, by now I would not have believed you.
Landing a bona fide New York literary agent felt like a major victory after writing my novel for six years, after receiving a Master’s Degree (MFA) in Creative Writing, after completing a post-graduate semester to rewrite the novel, after attending several writers’ workshops, after successfully participating in the New York Pitch Conference, after a first round of querying agents, after another deep revision of the book, after the building of my writer’s website, after starting my blog, after blogging for 52 weeks every Sunday, after having my blog syndicated on larger sites, and so on.
After all this I was sure a book deal was around the corner.
I was wrong.
My book has been on submission for fifteen months! In literary lingo, on submission means that my agent is submitting my book to editors at a publishing houses and those editors are reviewing it and determining if their house wants to publish the book.
When I first met my agent, I asked her the time frame for this whole on submission process. With a little smirk, she said, “It can take a while.”
In my non-writing life, I’m a real estate agent. In the realty world long means 48 hours. Deals happen quickly.
Apparently, this is not the case in the writing universe.
Heather, where can I buy your book?
Heather, would you like to sell your book at our authors’ event?
Heather, why don’t you just self-publish it?
No, no, no. I’m not pregnant yet!
I sound like a whiner. I’ve learned that there’s an entire writing sub-category devoted to the complaints of unpublished writers—the Cry Baby Genre—and I’m close to gaining membership. Getting published is hard; I’ve heard it time and time again.
But I never imagined it would be this difficult.
I read a lot. My undergraduate degree is in Literary Studies. I know what sucks and what doesn’t suck.
My book doesn’t suck.
But a lot of sucky books get deals.
How does this happen?
It’s the great mystery of the publishing world.
My novel has gotten super close to a publishing deal. I have emails from editors affirming beautiful things about it and then still saying, “pass” or “revise and resubmit.”
I think part of the issue is that my book doesn’t fit neatly into one category. It’s a little out of the box in that it’s both Young Adult and Women’s Fiction. It’s told from three points of view, two teenagers’ and one adult’s.
The adult is named Ann. And the YA editors want her out. The irony is that my teenage beta readers love Ann, saying she’s their favorite character.
William Faulkner said that you have to kill your darlings. Kill those characters you love. Maybe I need to dig a grave and bury Ann. And I’m willing to do it. I will put her on the chopping board and knock her clear into oblivion.
All art is subjective.
A little voice keeps telling me that there will be an editor out there in the publishing ether who will want to roll the dice on Ann—an editor who has the same sensibilities as my loyal and loving blog readers (truly, guys, your comments, shares and warm emails keep me going!). An editor who believes readers cross genre boundaries and that this cross-pollination is the key to selling a ton of books.
Still sometimes I wonder, how I will know when to quit?
When does it’s taking too long turn into a pipe dream?
When do people start to whisper behind my back, “Oh, that’s Heather, the crazy writer woman. She’s been trying to publish a book for the last twenty-seven years.”
Many wise publishing experts insist that first books don’t sell. More experienced writers tell me to write another book. Like it’s no big deal. I can only hope that I live to be 105 at this rate.
It’s said that the craft is long and life is short.
I’m willing to do the work. I can’t quit now because more than any other reason MY KIDS ARE WATCHING. They’ve grown up with this damn book.
So in an effort to complete my second book and to make any modifications that What The Valley Knows needs to secure a publishing contract and in anticipation of the busy spring real estate market (I really do need to sell some houses!), I will be curtailing my new blogs to the first Sunday of the month through the spring.
For now, I’m almost pregnant.
I might end up the oldest woman to ever conceive.
That’s okay.
Better late than never.
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Update as of 5/1/2017: After 520 days on submission, What The Valley Knows, found its publishing home! What The Valley Knows was born January 25, 2018 thanks to publisher Black Rose Writing and went on to win the National Indie Excellence Awards – YA Category. Next up: Finding a home for the second novel in the Millington Valley series: And The Valley Wept.
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There are three rules for writing a novel.
Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
—W. Somerset Maugham
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My novel, What The Valley Knows, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Black Rose Writing. Click HERE to read the first three chapters for FREE!
“A taut, compelling family tale.”
Kirkus Reviews
Heather indeed you need to keep on writing. You have a talent that many of us do not have. A lot of writers have gone thru this. That didn’t stop them. They kept on writing, keep on submitting and sometimes the second book was published before the first one. I know I only know you thru Facebook land or your beautifully written blogs, I see the drive that is needed to be a successful writer in you! Chin up girl, you got this!
Thanks, Ann! I’m in for the long haul. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement!
Thanks for reading what I write, Troy!
You did birth a blog😜 Which I look forward to reading every week!”Never quit something with great potential because you can’t handle the stress of the moment!” …words to live by.
Thank you, Sue. “The stress of the moment,” can be a challenge! Thanks for your encouragement!.
Love this honest blog. I know you will indeed birth a book – can’t wait to celebrate with you when you do!
Thanks, Amy! Your wonderful success is great proof that a pregnancy is possible! Fingers crossed.
I soooo get it. Sometimes that’s the best thing, to know that you’re not alone and that your limbo is full of kindred spirits. Sonetimes more writing is the only thing that helps. And sometimes chocolate is the only thing that helps!
Writing, friends, and chocolate – sounds like a recipe for success!. Thanks, Tracy!
Lots and lots of chocolate!😉
Quitters never win! I am proud of you that you are not quitting. You are a wonderful reader and I look forward to reading each Blog. Can’t wait to read your book. It will happen.
Good advice -“Quitters never win!” I’m pinning it on my computer!
Heather, you are meticulous about process–taking the right steps — and now your baby is out there, in a pile, or in someone’s hands,pages turning, out of your hands. Timing is so essential. 2017 may be THE YEAR! Your book sounds unique. You need a publisher with vision who can appreciate all your characters and their story. Glad you are birthing a second book.
Thanks, Faye! Writer friends are so important. It’s a pleasure to read your work and to receive your encouragement.
Don’t you dare ever give up!!!! You are such an inspiration to so many! Start your next book to keep your creativity on a high. It will happen for you! Sometimes great things happen to us when we focus our energy on something else. If I can can go back to school at this ripe old age, you can get published! You got this!!!! Chin up, spirits high!
Thanks, Darla! I think you’re right. You often hear stories about women who get pregnant after they adopt a child. So that’s what I’m doing, adopting other projects like focusing on book two and selling houses! I am so impressed that you are working on your Phd . . . I can’t wait to address you as Dr. Timberlake.
Keep going, Heather! Believe! You know we are all behind you cheering!
Thanks, Cathy! You’re a great example of book baby success!
It is a upsill climb and u just found a big mountain. I know u will make it to the top. It just may take time. I am proud of u quitters never win. Keep writing so I can keep reading ❤️
I have a colleague that might be able to help you. He just had a book published after several years. He and the co-author are seen as experts in the young adult literature category. They might be able to help you out.
Jenn, I would be very interested in talking to your friend!
You are so talented and will “birth” your book soon!! I look forward to your blog posts/emails every Sunday 🙂 Cheers to you!
Thanks, Katie! Here’s to good stuff all around in 2017.
You will get there! This is the year of the book deal! And I also believe it was Faulkner who first spoke of killing your darlings! Stephen King has since followed. Good luck!
Courtney, you are so right . . . is was William Faulkner! I am getting all my famous writers confused. Heading in to edit. And yes, let this be the year of the book deal!
Heather, I do not know anything about writing, but I do know I enjoy reading your blogs!! Hang in there, the only thing you will ever be sorry about is if you give up!
Thanks, Marlene!
It’s a marathon Heather! Just keep doing the work, because you love it. You will have your baby someday.
I hope you are right. Seeing you chase your dream inspires me to press on.
When having a human baby, we all know the gestation period is 9 months. When birthing a book, there’s also a gestation period but it’s not a fixed time frame. Sometimes the book is born quickly but most of the time it takes much longer.
You are pregnant …and your baby is developing. It’s growing each and every day. Continue to nurture it. Take care of it. It WILL be born…we just don’t know when. As always, I BELIEVE!!
Thanks for believing, Jerry!