Heather Christie Press Kit


Short Formal Author Bio

Heather Christie is a writer, producer, educator, and soccer CEO, amateur cook, slow runner, and avid reader. She holds a BA in Literary Studies from the University of Texas, Dallas and an MFA in Creative Writing from Pine Manor College. Her best selling, award winning debut novel, WHAT THE VALLEY KNOWS, was published by Black Rose Writing in January 2018. Heather’s second book, The Lying Season, was published in September 2021. Her non-fiction essays have appeared on Scary Mommy, SalonElephant Journal, Mamapedia, The Good Men Project, Grown & Flown, Parent.co, Bon Bon Break, Her View From Home, the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, Sammichs and Psych Meds, and The Lighter Side of Real Estate. Heather is a CUNY Adjunct Lecturer at the MEOC, and the producer and director of national storytelling phenomena Listen To Your Mother NYC. Her most recent project is as the creator, producer, and director of the storytelling extravaganza LoveNotes! – True Stories of First Love, Last Love, & All The Love In Between.  Heather lives in New York City. Find Heather at www.heatherchristiebooks.com and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Shortish Informal Author Bio

Heather Christie grew up in rural Pennsylvania and, at age seventeen, took off for New York City in hopes of becoming a movie star. Flash forward several decades, a couple degrees, a bunch of cities, and two kids, she’s back in New York chasing dreams again all while running her brother’s company SocRoc Soccer – Manhattan’s Best Soccer Program For Kids by day and writing by night.

Heather’s best selling, award winning debut novel, What The Valley Knows, was released by Black Rose Writing January 25, 2018 and her second book, The Lying Season, followed in September 2021.  Her non-fiction essays have appeared in a bunch of places like Scary Mommy, SalonElephant Journal, Mamapedia, The Good Men Project, Grown & Flown, Parent.co, Bon Bon Break, Her View From Home, the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, Sammichs and Psych Meds, and The Lighter Side of Real Estate.

Heather is a CUNY Adjunct Lecturer at the MEOC. She has the most fun as a midwife to other writers’ stories as the producer and director of national storytelling phenomena Listen To Your Mother NYC. Her lastest project is as the creator, producer, and director of the storytelling extravaganza LoveNotes! – True Stories of First Love, Last Love, & All The Love In Between. Heather loves to read, run, drink tea, and make Sunday dinner. And she doesn’t go anywhere without lipstick!

Follow her blog at www.HeatherChristieBooks.com and say “hello” on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Long Author Bio


The Whole Story


LoveNotes Logo

Heather is the creator, producer, and director of LoveNotes! Real Stories. Real People. Real Love.

All LoveNotes! audition information, press requests, sponsorship inquiries, and ticket details should be addressed to heather@heatherchristiebooks.com. The inaugural LoveNotes! show was February 10, 2024 in New York City at The Center At West Park. The sophmore production is scheduled for February 15, 2025 at Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Peter Norton Symphony Space, New York City. Worldwide theatrical licenses are available now, with Chicago and Indinapolis debuting in February 2025. The companion LoveNotes! anthology was released November 11, 2024, published by 71 Street Books. The LoveNotes! podcast will launch mid-year. We’re looking for proof of love!

Heather is the producer and director of Listen To Your Mother NYC.

All LTYM NYC audition information, press requests, sponsorship inquiries, and ticket details should be addressed to heather@heatherchristiebooks.com. We’re giving motherhood a microphone!

Other Images

LoveNotes! Real Stories. Real People. Real Love.
ISBN:  979-8991704724
Publication Date: November 11.2024
Paperback (6″ x9″): 176 Pages, SRP $16.95
Publisher: 71 Street Books
New York, New York

Available through Ingram, and online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and 71st Street Books. For book orders and discounts, contact 71StreetBooks@gmail.com

What The Valley Knows
Contemporary YA Fiction – Romance/Mystery
ISBN: 978-1-612-96-940-4
Publication Date: January 25, 2018
Paperback (6″ x9″): 249 Pages, SRP $19.95
Publisher: Black Rose Writing

Available through Ingram, and online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Black Rose Writing. For book orders and discounts, contact sales@blackrosewriting.com.

Sales Sheet

The Lying Season 
Contemporary YA Fiction – Romance/Mystery
ISBN: 978-1-68433-755-2
Publication Date: September 9, 2021
Paperback (6″ x9″): 270 Pages, SRP $19.95
Publisher: Black Rose Writing


Available through Ingram, and online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Black Rose Writing. For book orders and discounts, contact sales@blackrosewriting.com.


National Indie Excellence Awards Winner – Young Adult





Readers‘ Favorite Gold Medal, Young Adult – Coming Of Age 

Maxy Awards Winner – Young Adult



Positive Reviews

“A debut novel mixes high school drama, teen romance, and a strong thread of mystery and thriller . . . With strong prose and pacing, the pages turn quickly and easily . . . the central characters’ story has plenty to make it worthwhile, and many readers are sure to feel at home with this intriguing book . . . A taut, compelling family tale.”—Kirkus Reviews

“A drama to pull at your heart-strings. As characters deal with themes including alcoholism and sexual assault, this novel plays with the line between young adult and adult fiction. But ultimately WHAT THE VALLEY KNOWS manages to straddle the line in such a way that both categories of readers will appreciate the richness and high drama of the story.”—IndieReader

“WHAT THE VALLEY KNOWS is a beautiful ‘coming of age’ novel that draws you in from the very first page. It’s the perfect blend of drama, suspense, and romance. You’re gripping the edge of your seat one moment, whist dissolving into puddles of emotion, the next. A super read!”—Sally Ford-Whiley of Books, Cups, and Candles Book Blog

“Heather Christie’s WHAT THE VALLEY KNOWS is pulsating, a story with unique and compelling characters and a setting that comes out vividly. The writing is stellar and is a whole delight in itself, and readers will find themselves reading rapaciously from one page to the next fascinating page. The characters are beautifully imagined and well-crafted, immersed in a conflict that escalates quickly, and ends in a satisfying denouement.”—Readers’ Favorite (5 Stars)

Book Excerpt


Molly Hanover lifted her chin and the pain was so sharp her head slammed down onto the muddy gravel. Her teeth gashed her tongue and the copper taste of blood filled her mouth. She closed her eyes and the thump of her heartbeat pounded in her ears.

This wasn’t happening. She had to get up and find him. She needed to tell him something—something important—and her mother, she had decided she would tell her mother, too. They would help her.

At the edge of the field where she had fallen, a few un-harvested corn stalks jutted skyward. Late autumn grass sprouted in the weedy undergrowth. She lay splayed facedown, her arm twisted behind her back, raw pain searing through her right shoulder.

Where was he?

Again, she tried to raise her head and tiny spurts of light exploded against the darkness. Chilly rain stung her cheek and blurred her vision. Her hair stuck to her neck matted with bits of glass, dirt, and blood. The ground smelled fresh and earthy.

Help, she whispered.

It was hard to concentrate, but she listened carefully and heard the soft ping of rain hitting her nylon jacket.

Stay awake, she warned herself.

Don’t sleep.

She rolled and saw the wet road sparkle in a vehicle’s headlights. Maybe it was a bad dream. But the pain, the pain was real. Hot blood burned through the cut in her cheek.

Her mind raced and the sharp edge of panic pierced her memory. There was a secret, a thing unspeakable.

But it was gone.

Whatever she wanted to tell them had vanished.

Then her world went black.

What the Valley Knows Trailer


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