Heather Christie’s Blog
Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Sit down, grab a cup of tea, and browse around. Each quarter (January, April, July, and October) I try to write a new post and share a little piece of my life.
My two teenage kids take up a lot of space on the page. But I also love to write about my attempt to lead a healthy, mindful, and purpose-driven life, and what it’s like to start over in New York City and chase a dream at middle age. And lots more.
While it’s a blast when a big website re-syndicates one of my posts, my real goal is to write in a such a way that compels you pop back again and again to read my stories. I love it when you like, comment, or share a post. And when you subscribe to my email list it makes me happy. Thanks.
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Heather’s All Over the Web
Recent Posts
Do You Believe In Miracles?
Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” The time stamp on my phone reads February 22, 2019, 10:44 pm. In the photograph, my daughter, my dear longtime...
In Memoriam: David James Christie
(Stick A Flag In Your Yard, Redux) In 1970 the Vietnam War was unpopular. My father was a medical resident, specializing in orthopedics, and therefore excused from military service as part of The Berry Plan. The draft couldn’t take him. Still there was an unconscious...
How A Friend’s Death Changed My Life
The church was mobbed, the October evening carrying the first nip of autumn. Kids hurried from football, soccer, field hockey, tennis, and cheerleading practices. Parents rushed from work. Coaches, teachers, colleagues, friends, and acquaintances—everyone was there to pay homage. One of our own had fallen.
Amy Sue Hatlee
January 22, 1969—October 6, 2017.
The Day My Kids Don’t Need Me Is On The Horizon
Sometimes I feel like I’ve gotten snagged in a time warp. Another school year is over. The night air is turning warm and humid. Lacrosse playoffs are in full swing. My son's high school graduation is Saturday. And my daughter's recital is in three weeks. The 4th of...
Has This Happened To You?
It feels like last week I was counting how many days until my son started kindergarten. I couldn’t wait. Life would be easier. The $1200/month for his three days a week at childcare would be halved because now I’d only pay for his sister. The house would be quieter...
This Was The Most Terrifying Moment Of My Life
“Nobody else is pushing fifty,” my almost forty-nine-year old best friend whispered as we looked around. We sat on a wooden bench under an open-air pavilion, water shoes on our feet, shatterproof helmets on our heads, wearing heavy construction gloves, and harnesses...
This Is Why You Should Never Give Up!
Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.” Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated...
When I was in seventh grade, my nemesis ripped my school picture into sections, scotch-taped the pieces back together, and then passed around the disfigured-looking picture to our schoolmates, egging them to say nasty things. “Heather’s a monster.” “She looks...
Who Is The Bully In Your Life?
“Do you have a moment, Heather?” asked my son’s sixth grade teacher. Her voice was tight and concerned. I clutched my cell phone at my ear. “Sure.” My pulse quickened. “Your son and his friends are a bit too bold. Sometimes they’re not so nice.” I swallowed hard and...