Dear Son,
This summer, for the first time, I didn’t number the calendar with the days left until school started. I thought I’d trick time. But, it’s here—the beginning of the end. My heart pinches when I think about your childhood and understand it’s almost over. You are about to start your own life.
When you were a little boy, there were days that I wished you would just grow up. I was overwhelmed working full-time and raising you and your sister. I knew this moment would come, but it always felt like it was far, far away—something you would do later—when we would all be much older.
One day you’ll realize that I did the best I could. It was my first time at this parenthood thing. Nothing prepared me for how much you’d rock my world, how much I’d love you, and how much I’d fear for your safety. Your future is bright, still I hope I raised you right, loved you enough, gave you the tools to succeed, and more importantly, to be happy.
We have this bit of time—your senior year—before you’ll step out into the great big world. I’ll always be your mom and here for you, but here are some parting words of advice as you wave goodbye to your boyhood:
Just when you want to quit, don’t. You’re headed into your last year of high school and you’re sick of taking tests, studying, and trying to get good grades. But now is not the time to stop. Give it one more push. Work hard first semester and fortify your GPA and put a few extra hours into studying for the SAT. The do-overs are done. This is it! There will be plenty of times in your life that you’ve had enough and want “it” to be over and that’s when you know you have to push through whatever “it” is. Like Zig Ziglar says, “There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.”
Be mindful of what you put into your body and your brain—food, drink, and anything illegal. You’re young, healthy, and handsome. Trust me, it doesn’t stay this way. It’s a battle. Form good eating habits. Learn to say “no” even when everybody else is saying “yes.” Take a break from electronics. Read a good book.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You think we’re stupid, that we don’t know what it’s like to be a kid, to have fun. Wrong! We’ve lived it. We are not trying to make your life miserable. We’ll save you a lot of heartache if you take our advice. It’s not only your dad and me to whom you should listen, pay attention to your aunts, uncles, teachers, and coaches. I hope you’ll agree with Mark Twain one day. He said, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
Make good choices. Checking a text while driving could change your life forever. Remember any babies you make are your own. Think before you act. I know most of the senior class wants to party. Try to stay out of trouble. A bad decision could ruin your opportunity to play college lacrosse or worse set your life on an entirely different path. Do everything in moderation and with good sense. Certain decisions do matter.
Give every pursuit your all. Whether you’re in the classroom, on the lacrosse field, or at your job. Show up early, stay late, practice when nobody is looking. Think about the kind of person you want to be and make your mark. If you’re going to be a bricklayer, be the best bricklayer around. Let your interactions with people reflect who you are. Find your unique gift to share with the world and give it. “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.” (Anonymous)
Remember, I love you. Always and forever.
I can’t hold your hand and walk you to the bus stop this last first day of school. But I’ll take pictures and I might have to wipe a tear as you pull away from the curb in your old pick-up truck with your little sister in the passenger seat. You’ve grown up despite my misconception that this only happened to other families.
With love,
P.S. Reread the note I wrote you last year, A Letter To My Son As He Enters His Junior Year.
I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I’m spending my adulthood wishing I were younger.
American actor Ricky Schroder
Want to read more about raising teenagers? Try these quick reads:
Three Ways To Keep A Teenager Alive
Here Are The Secrets When Teaching A Teenager To Drive
S’Moreos are a fun summer treat to make after a Sunday dinner barbecue. Check out this Taste of Home Recipe HERE.
My novel, What The Valley Knows, will be released January 25, 2018. Woohoo! Preorder now, using the code PREORDER2017 to save an additional 10%. Click HERE to purchase and enter to win a $100 Barnes & Noble gift card or a Kindle Paperwhite.
“This sensational novel is a moving, poignant story.”
Words of great wisdom! This is going to be quite a year for you and your family!!!!!
As always, loved the blog as a tear or two dropped into my Sunday morning coffee!
Thanks, Darla! You guys aren’t too far behind us! These kids are growing up too fast!
I can’t believe Cole is a senior. He will have a great year. Hope it goes by slowly.
I can’t believe it either! I remember your Easter egg hunts when our kids were all so little!
We were glad to see you and your family in Rock Hall this past week. I am so glad that we have stayed in touch over the “years”. All of the Christie grand kids are super as well as their children. Hoping to make the book signing. Jerry and Jean
Thanks, Miss Jean! I’d love to see you at the book signing. Thanks for being such good friends.
Hard times for sure but watching them go off and be their own people is so worth all the work and worry. The pride you feel will overpower it all. Trust me.
I totally agree, Lisa!
I remember your family when we Banis’ lived on Stitzer Road in Oley. Your blogs are wonderful. I will tell Aimee about them.
Thanks for spreading the word about the blog!
Love your letter to Cole! You are right on target. Enjoy and cherish this time with your son. This year will fly by!
❤, Lisa
I am learning how fast time can go watching my children grow!
I couldn’t have done it without you!
Take lots of pictures this year! It is simultaneously happy/sad, bittersweet–and there ain’t no stopping it. My kids will always be my ‘kids’ even when they laugh and say: “Oh, Mom”!
(31 & 33)
The future is filled with awe!
Good advice, Geri! I am excited for my son as he steps into the next phase of his life. I can’t believe how quickly he grew up.
Beautiful words Heather, I know this Mommy feeling, my youngest is entering 10th grade and it overwhelms me that my “Baby” is almost grown. I’ve been through this twice before and u gotta say it seems to get harder. Wishing you all a wonderful year of memories and great times.
I agree. I think it will be really hard when my daughter (who’s entering the 9th grade this year) is a senior.
Yes, it does seem like it was yesterday both our boys were at SR. This past few weeks I have been taking S to colleges for visits and information sessions. Each time I just want to hug him tighter, give him more words of advice, but also give encouragement and tell him how proud my husband and I are. Your words reflect exactly how parents feel, Thank you.
Virginia you put it perfectly: the urge to hug and give advice at the same time…that’s parenting.